Java 21 Top 10 Features

Shubham Kumar
3 min readJun 7, 2023


Java 21 Top 10 Features


Java, one of the most widely used programming languages, continues to evolve with each new release, offering developers a range of innovative features and enhancements. With the arrival of Java 21, developers now have access to a new set of tools and capabilities that enhance their coding experience. In this article, we will delve into the top 10 features of Java 21, accompanied by code examples, to showcase how these features can be leveraged to write cleaner, more efficient, and secure code.

1. Pattern Matching for Switch Expressions:
Pattern matching for switch expressions is a powerful addition to Java 21 that simplifies code by allowing developers to use patterns in case labels. It eliminates the need for excessive code branching and enables more concise and readable code. Consider the following example:

String result = switch (dayOfWeek) {
case “Monday”, “Tuesday” -> “Working days”;
case “Saturday”, “Sunday” -> “Weekend”;
default -> “Invalid day”;

2. Records:
Java 21 introduces records, a new type of class that facilitates the creation of simple data-holding objects. Records offer a concise syntax and automatically generate constructors, accessors, and equals/hashCode methods. Here’s an example:

record Person(String name, int age) { }
Person person = new Person(“John”, 30);
System.out.println(; // Output: John

3. Sealed Classes:
Sealed classes in Java 21 restrict the inheritance hierarchy of a class, providing developers with greater control over which classes can extend it. By sealing a class, you define a limited set of subclasses that can inherit from it. This feature enhances encapsulation and improves code maintainability. Consider the following code snippet:

sealed class Shape permits Circle, Rectangle {
// Common methods and fields

final class Circle extends Shape {
// Circle-specific implementation

final class Rectangle extends Shape {
// Rectangle-specific implementation

4. Text Blocks:
Text blocks, introduced in Java 13 and further enhanced in Java 15, make it easier to write multiline strings without the need for escape sequences or concatenation. This feature significantly improves the readability of code that involves large strings. Here’s an example:

String message = “””
Welcome to Java 21!

5. Local Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters:
Java 21 allows the use of the `var` keyword as the parameter type in lambda expressions, reducing verbosity and making the code more concise. Here’s an example:

List<Integer> numbers = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
numbers.forEach((var number) -> System.out.println(number));

6. Unix Domain Sockets:
Java 21 introduces support for Unix domain sockets, enabling communication between processes on the same machine. This feature facilitates interprocess communication and enhances the development of scalable and efficient applications.

7. Foreign Function & Memory API (Incubator):
The Foreign Function & Memory API, an incubator feature in Java 21, allows Java programs to call and interact with native code more easily and efficiently. It provides a standardized mechanism for accessing native memory, enhancing performance and interoperability.

8. ZGC Improvements:
Java 21 brings further improvements to the Z Garbage Collector (ZGC), a low-latency garbage collector. The enhancements include lower latency, improved throughput, and better scalability. These improvements make Java applications more responsive and efficient, particularly in large-scale deployments.

9. Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators:
Java 21 introduces enhanced support for pseudo-random number generation with the introduction of the `java.util.random` package. This package provides more secure and high-quality random number generation capabilities, crucial for applications that require robust randomness.

10. Deprecation of Applet API:
The Applet API, which has been deprecated since Java 9, is finally removed in Java 21. This removal reflects the industry shift away from browser-based applets and encourages the use of modern web technologies for building web applications.

Java 21 introduces a range of powerful features and enhancements that empower developers to write cleaner, more efficient, and more secure code. From pattern matching for switching expressions and records to sealed classes and text blocks, these features simplify coding tasks and enhance readability. The addition of Unix domain sockets, the Foreign Function & Memory API, and ZGC improvements further enhance performance, scalability, and interoperability. As Java continues to evolve, developers can leverage these new features to build robust and innovative applications. So, embrace the power of Java 21 and unlock its full potential in your next project.



Shubham Kumar
Shubham Kumar

Written by Shubham Kumar

SDE-2 Expedia, ex-Airtel, Nagarro | OSSF London Scholar 2021 | HGF Scholar 2020 | Facebook F8 Scholar 2019 | Fossasia Finalist Winner 2019

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